Back to School!!!

Click here for Homeroom List

The geeky part of me is rejoicing!

I love this time of year!  Getting ready for a new group of kids….setting up my classroom….the extra sections in Wal-Mart devoted to school supplies!  (There’s just something cool about school supplies!)  I know, I’m supposed to dread it, but I can’t help it!

New 5th graders (and parents), what’s in store for you?

First of all, we will be having a Parent Meeting before school starts on Thursday, August 6, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.  You’ll be meeting with 5th grade teachers for the first portion and then will go to the auditorium for last portion.

Secondly, you may get a copy of the 5th Grade Supply List here.    The past 3 years, Wal-Mart has put out an old list which caused parents to purchase unnecessary items at Wal-Mart.  Make sure the list you use has 2009-2010 at the top!

One item that all of you will need for 5th grade Science is a hardback composition book.  We use these for our scientist’s notebooks.  They run about $.50 at Wal-Mart.  Office Depot usually puts them on sale for $.25 around this time of year, also.  We use these nearly every day in class.  It doesn’t matter what the cover looks like, and the $.50 ones at Wal-Mart have several designs.

Our first day of school is only a half day, and buses will be running.  We’ll dismiss at 11:30 a.m.

Remember, this year you will be changing classes among all four 5th grade teachers.   You will have your homeroom teacher for English.  Mrs. Moncier teaches Reading, Mrs. Martin teaches Math, Mrs. Hartness teaches Social Studies, and I teach all the Science! Don’t despair if you don’t get the teacher you wanted for homeroom, you’ll have all four teachers this year!

This year, you’ll be placed in groups when you change classes.  You’ll have English with your homeroom teacher, and will have all your other classes with your group (Blue, Green, Red, or Yellow).